Monthly Archives: July 2015

The Changing Face of Invoice Finance

One of the most established and helpful business finance arenas over the last 25 years has surely been the invoice finance marketplace.  The ability for a business to cash in invoices early in order to aid cash flow clearly has a significant and positive impact on our long-term economy. However, one could argue that this…
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The 7 Key Elements of a Development Finance Facility

In the last few years, property development finance in the UK has started to evolve. However it can be difficult to stay on top of all the changing elements, especially if you are not speaking to every possible lender that there is and comparing like for like simultaneously. We will go through the key elements…
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Getting a Business Loan with Bad Credit or Zero Profits

Many businesses believe that if the banks say no to them, it must mean it’s impossible to get a loan. In fact a good number of businesses don’t even bother going to the bank, or trying, because they assume they cannot qualify.  This assumption can be incorrect, as it is not only possible to get…
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